Thursday, 20 August 2015


ICT  barriers in South African schools must be dealt with now because later may never come. It was difficult for me to do projects, assignments and other stuffs because at my school at Hlabangemehlo  High School they have computers but we were not allowed to use the computer lab due to valid reasons. Books don`t give enough information and it is time consuming to search for a certain book at the library but the internet makes things easy to find every information that you need and it is straight to the point unlike books.

Crime in our communities hinder schools to open their computer labs because they fear that if they opens their computer labs some computers may disappear and it is very expensive to replace a computer. Most people in South Africa are computer illiterates and there is a shortage of computer people at schools. In Rural areas it very difficult for scholars that lives there like me when i was doing my matric in 2014 there were no computer centres around my area i had to travel about 3KM to a place where it was the only one that has a computer centre. When you arrives there you finds that there are only five computers in that room operating and i had to waits hours for my  turn to come and do what i wants to do and i did`t even knew how to open a computer and i became a laughing stock in front of everyone in that room because people are people they laugh you when you are down but when you rise and be above them they starts to dislike you.

Friday, 31 July 2015

My final school year at Hlabangemehlo High School in Mpumalanga province.

My school is situated in Nhlazatshe number three. This area is not well developed economically and the infrastructure is very bad in Nhlazatshe number three. There is a high rates of crime in this area due to high rates of unemployment and poverty. There is a high level of substance abuse in this area due to poverty, peer pressure, wanting to fit in, low self-esteem, unemployment, lack of knowledge about the dangers associated with the use of drugs, family problems and stress. This area is associated with lots of pollution and this affects the lives of the community as they will acquire diseases from the dirty environment that they live in. Approximately 45% of the people living in Nhlazatshe number three rely on grant from the government to survive as some have disabilities and some are older. About 35% of the community are not well employed as some are bricklayers, roads cleaners, house maids and tuck shop owners. About 25% of the community are well employed as some are doctors, nurses, teachers, miners and policemen and policewomen.

At Hlabangemehlo High School I was doing the following subjects, History, Life Orientation, Life sciences, Geography, Mathematical Literacy, and SiSwati as a home language and English as a First Additional Language. My class teacher was Mr Zwane , he was my Mathematical Literacy teacher and neighbour in Nhlazatshe number four. My History teacher was Mr Tinobayana, my Life orientation teacher was Mr Nhlapho , my Life Sciences teacher was Mr Mnisi , my Geography teacher was Ms Magagula , my SiSwati teacher was Mr Nkosi and my English teacher was Mr Zwane. My principal was Mr Nhlopho V.E. He was and still is a very strict principal in Hlabangemehlo High School. He always used to say, ‘‘gets your matric certificates with your Bachelor`s Degree and that will be your bread when you go to University that will be your butter and you will enjoy a buttered bread the rest of your live``. When I was doing my grade eleven I thought matric was very difficult but when I got there in matric it was not that much difficult as I thought. Matric just requires hard work, dedication, ambitious students, perseverance and sacrifices.
I matriculated in 2014 at Hlabangemehlo High School. I didn't enjoy 2014 a lots because all my efforts was on my studies as I was a grade 12 student everyone was looking good results on me, the community, classmates, teachers, friends and church members. I cared, loved and respected all my teachers and my classmates as they always did the same to me. I remember my matric year 2014 because it was my last year at school with my friends as finishing school divided us as some went to universities, colleges and others went to work in different places in 2015. Some of my classmates I will not see them for the rest of my life and some of them will not see me for the rest of their lives but life goes on as I met new friends,roommate, classmates and lecturers at TECsiyabuswa (UMP). All my grade 12 teachers and my principal did their best they can to help me gets good results in my matric and I also worked very hard as they used to say that God helps those who helps themselves. I felt the pain of studying that why I felt the game of passing my matric as they used to say that no pain no game.